About Us

I'm a Small owned black business located in Ohio, and I wanted to start this business because I grew up able to experience being able to make things that I wanted for myself. I wasn't able to afford certain things and realized that I could make the same products myself with a better quality and price. At age fourteen I started making my own body care products and knew that it was something I loved doing, and at age twenty I realized I wanted to turn it into a business.​ I provide skincare, hair, haircare, clothes, and accessories for both men and women! I want my business to be a way for those of all classes to be able to experience Luxury that fits their aesthetic.

Meet The Owner

Hi! I'm Jeanyse

I am a twenty-year-old black woman that loves hair and skincare along with fashion. Smelling good is one of my favorite things because I'm a huge fraghead(I love perfumes/smell goods). I try my best to express my personal style while staying up on the latest trends.

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